Sodium Hyaluronate, which is a polymer polysaccharides of biological materials formed by N-acetyl glucosamine and glucuronic acid through iterative connected, has a high degree of viscoelasticity, plasticity, permeability and good biocompatibility. This product is manufactured with raw material of comb based on the process of fine biochemical technology, separation, purification and refining. The gel contains 1% HMW of sodium hyaluronate and physiological buffer.
As Viscoelastics for Ocular Surgery:
1. Moist eyeball surface during surgery, and prevent epithelium from dry. The function of this product is much better than physiological saline or equilibrium liquid.
2. Inject this product under bulbar conjunctiva to separate conjunctival flap, and minimized the post-operative sub-conjunctive-fibrosis during glaucoma surgery.
3. Form protective layer to reduce the damage of device or intraocular lens implantation to endothelial cell, and reduce loss rate of endothelial cell.
4. Convenience to operation, such as extraction of foreign body in anterior chamber, intraocular lens implantation
As Adhesion Prevention for General Surgery Operation:
1. Form fabric structure to separate inflammation serous from normal serous.
2. Inhibit activity of granulocyte, and stimulate phagocytosis of macrophage to reduce post-surgical adhesions.
3. Form separation space and biologic barriers to prevent adhesions.
4. Inhibit capillary leak and reduce quantity of blood clot which can form permanent adhesion framework.
As Viscosupplements for Osteoarthritis Treatment:
1. Form complex with protein and cover the surface of articular cartilage for protection. This product has the function of lubrication and buffering.
2. Reduce or eliminate arthralgia with the connection with pain receptor or mass molecular medium.
3. Restrain arthralgia caused by inflammatory mediator, such as bradykinin.
4. Restrain articular cartilage from cataplasia, and prevent from adhesion and contracture.